Marionette.Application ====================== The ``Backbone.Marionette.Application`` object is the hub of your composite application. It organizes, initializes and coordinate the various pieces of your app. It also provides a starting point for you to call into, from your HTML script block or from your JavaScript files directly if you prefer to go that route. The ``Application`` is meant to be instantiated directly, although you can extend it to add your own functionality. ``js MyApp = new Backbone.Marionette.Application();`` Documentation Index ------------------- - `Adding Initializers <#adding-initializers>`_ - `Application Event <#application-event>`_ - `Starting An Application <#starting-an-application>`_ - `app.vent: Event Aggregator <#appvent-event-aggregator>`_ - `Regions And The Application Object <#regions-and-the-application-object>`_ - `jQuery Selector <#jquery-selector>`_ - `Custom Region Type <#custom-region-type>`_ - `Custom Region Type And Selector <#custom-region-type-and-selector>`_ - `Removing Regions <#removing-regions>`_ Adding Initializers ------------------- Your application needs to do useful things, like displaying content in your regions, starting up your routers, and more. To accomplish these tasks and ensure that your ``Application`` is fully configured, you can add initializer callbacks to the application. \`\`\`js MyApp.addInitializer(function(options){ // do useful stuff here var myView = new MyView({ model: options.someModel });; }); MyApp.addInitializer(function(options){ new MyAppRouter(); Backbone.history.start(); }); \`\`\` These callbacks will be executed when you start your application, and are bound to the application object as the context for the callback. In other words, ``this`` is the ``MyApp`` object, inside of the initializer function. The ``options`` parameters is passed from the ``start`` method (see below). Initializer callbacks are guaranteed to run, no matter when you add them to the app object. If you add them before the app is started, they will run when the ``start`` method is called. If you add them after the app is started, they will run immediately. Application Event ----------------- The ``Application`` object raises a few events during its lifecycle, using the `Marionette.triggerMethod <./>`_ function. These events can be used to do additional processing of your application. For example, you may want to pre-process some data just before initialization happens. Or you may want to wait until your entire application is initialized to start the ``Backbone.history``. The events that are currently triggered, are: - \*\*"initialize:before" / ``onInitializeBefore`` \*\*: fired just before the initializers kick off - \*\*"initialize:after" / ``onInitializeAfter`` \*\*: fires just after the initializers have finished - **"start" / ``onStart``**: fires after all initializers and after the initializer events \`\`\`js MyApp.on("initialize:before", function(options){ options.moreData = "Yo dawg, I heard you like options so I put some options in your options!" }); MyApp.on("initialize:after", function(options){ if (Backbone.history){ Backbone.history.start(); } }); \`\`\` The ``options`` parameter is passed through the ``start`` method of the application object (see below). Starting An Application ----------------------- Once you have your application configured, you can kick everything off by calling: ``MyApp.start(options)``. This function takes a single optional parameter. This parameter will be passed to each of your initializer functions, as well as the initialize events. This allows you to provide extra configuration for various parts of your app, at initialization/start of the app, instead of just at definition. \`\`\`js var options = { something: "some value", another: "#some-selector" }; MyApp.start(options); \`\`\` app.vent: Event Aggregator -------------------------- Every application instance comes with an instance of ``Marionette.EventAggregator`` called ``app.vent``. \`\`\`js MyApp = new Backbone.Marionette.Application(); MyApp.vent.on("foo", function(){ alert("bar"); }); MyApp.vent.trigger("foo"); // => alert box "bar" \`\`\` See the ```Marionette.EventAggregator`` <./>`_ documentation for more details. Regions And The Application Object ---------------------------------- Marionette's ``Region`` objects can be directly added to an application by calling the ``addRegions`` method. There are three syntax forms for adding a region to an application object. jQuery Selector ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first is to specify a jQuery selector as the value of the region definition. This will create an instance of a Marionette.Region directly, and assign it to the selector: ``js MyApp.addRegions({ someRegion: "#some-div", anotherRegion: "#another-div" });`` Custom Region Type ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The second is to specify a custom region type, where the region type has already specified a selector: \`\`\`js MyCustomRegion = Marionette.Region.extend({ el: "#foo" }); MyApp.addRegions({ someRegion: MyCustomRegion }); \`\`\` Custom Region Type And Selector ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The third method is to specify a custom region type, and a jQuery selector for this region instance, using an object literal: \`\`\`js MyCustomRegion = Marionette.Region.extend({}); MyApp.addRegions({ someRegion: { selector: "#foo", regionType: MyCustomRegion }, anotherRegion: { selector: "#bar", regionType: MyCustomRegion } }); \`\`\` Removing Regions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Regions can also be removed with the ``removeRegion`` method, passing in the name of the region to remove as a string value: ``js MyApp.removeRegion('someRegion');`` Removing a region will properly close it before removing it from the application object. For more information on regions, see `the region documentation <./>`_