Marionette.CollectionView ========================= The ``CollectionView`` will loop through all of the models in the specified collection, render each of them using a specified ``itemView``, then append the results of the item view's ``el`` to the collection view's ``el``. Documentation Index ------------------- - `CollectionView's ``itemView`` <#collectionviews-itemview>`_ - `CollectionView's ``itemViewOptions`` <#collectionviews-itemviewoptions>`_ - `CollectionView's ``emptyView`` <#collectionviews-emptyview>`_ - `CollectionView's ``buildItemView`` <#collectionviews-builditemview>`_ - `Callback Methods <#callback-methods>`_ - `onBeforeRender callback <#beforerender-callback>`_ - `onRender callback <#onrender-callback>`_ - `onItemAdded callback <#onitemadded-callback>`_ - `onBeforeClose callback <#beforeclose-callback>`_ - `onClose callback <#onclose-callback>`_ - `CollectionView Events <#collectionview-events>`_ - `"before:render" / onBeforeRender event <#beforerender--onbeforerender-event>`_ - `"render" / onRender event <#render--onrender-event>`_ - `"before:close" / onBeforeClose event <#beforeclose--onbeforeclose-event>`_ - `"closed" / "collection:closed" event <#closed--collectionclosed-event>`_ - `"item:added" / onItemAdded <#itemadded--onitemadded>`_ - `"item:removed" / onItemRemoved <#itemremoved--onitemremoved>`_ - `"itemview:\*" event bubbling from child views <#itemview-event-bubbling-from-child-views>`_ - `CollectionView render <#collectionview-render>`_ - `CollectionView: Automatic Rendering <#collectionview-automatic-rendering>`_ - `CollectionView: Re-render Collection <#collectionview-re-render-collection>`_ - `CollectionView's appendHtml <#collectionviews-appendhtml>`_ - `CollectionView close <#collectionview-close>`_ CollectionView's ``itemView`` ----------------------------- Specify an ``itemView`` in your collection view definition. This must be a Backbone view object definition (not instance). It can be any ``Backbone.View`` or be derived from ``Marionette.ItemView``. \`\`\`js MyItemView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({}); Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ itemView: MyItemView }); \`\`\` Alternatively, you can specify an ``itemView`` in the options for the constructor: \`\`\`js MyCollectionView = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({...}); new MyCollectionView({ itemView: MyItemView }); \`\`\` If you do not specify an ``itemView``, an exception will be thrown stating that you must specify an ``itemView``. If you need a view specific to your model, you can override ``getItemView``: ``js Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ getItemView: function(item) { // some logic to calculate which view to return return someItemSpecificView; } })`` CollectionView's ``itemViewOptions`` ------------------------------------ There may be scenarios where you need to pass data from your parent collection view in to each of the itemView instances. To do this, provide a ``itemViewOptions`` definition on your collection view as an object literal. This will be passed to the constructor of your itemView as part of the ``options``. \`\`\`js ItemView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView({ initialize: function(options){ console.log(; // => "bar" } }); CollectionView = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView({ itemView: ItemView, itemViewOptions: { foo: "bar" } }); \`\`\` You can also specify the ``itemViewOptions`` as a function, if you need to calculate the values to return at runtime. The model will be passed into the function should you need access to it when calculating ``itemViewOptions``. The function must return an object, and the attributes of the object will be copied to the itemView instance' options. ``js CollectionView = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView({ itemViewOptions: function(model) { // do some calculations based on the model return { foo: "bar" } } });`` CollectionView's ``emptyView`` ------------------------------ When a collection has no items, and you need to render a view other than the list of itemViews, you can specify an ``emptyView`` attribute on your collection view. \`\`\`js NoItemsView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({ template: "#show-no-items-message-template" }); Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ // ... emptyView: NoItemsView }); \`\`\` This will render the ``emptyView`` and display the message that needs to be displayed when there are no items. CollectionView's ``buildItemView`` ---------------------------------- When a custom view instance needs to be created for the ``itemView`` that represents an item, override the ``buildItemView`` method. This method takes three parameters and returns a view instance to be used as the item view. ``js buildItemView: function(item, ItemViewType, itemViewOptions){ // build the final list of options for the item view type var options = _.extend({model: item}, itemViewOptions); // create the item view instance var view = new ItemViewType(options); // return it return view; },`` Callback Methods ---------------- There are several callback methods that can be provided on a ``CollectionView``. If they are found, they will be called by the view's base methods. These callback methods are intended to be handled within the view definition directly. onBeforeRender callback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A ``onBeforeRender`` callback will be called just prior to rendering the collection view. ``js Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ onBeforeRender: function(){ // do stuff here } });`` onRender callback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the view has been rendered, a ``onRender`` method will be called. You can implement this in your view to provide custom code for dealing with the view's ``el`` after it has been rendered: ``js Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ onRender: function(){ // do stuff here } });`` onItemAdded callback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This callback function allows you to know when an item / item view instance has been added to the collection view. It provides access to the view instance for the item that was added. ``js Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ onItemAdded: function(itemView){ // work with the itemView instance, here } });`` onBeforeClose callback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This method is called just before closing the view. ``js Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ onBeforeClose: function(){ // do stuff here } });`` onClose callback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This method is called just after closing the view. ``js Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ onClose: function(){ // do stuff here } });`` CollectionView Events --------------------- There are several events that will be triggered during the life of a collection view. Each of these events is called with the `Marionette.triggerMethod <./>`_ function, which calls a corresponding "on{EventName}" method on the view instance. "before:render" / onBeforeRender event ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Triggers just prior to the view being rendered. Also triggered as "collection:before:render" / ``onCollectionBeforeRender``. \`\`\`js MyView = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({...}); var myView = new MyView(); myView.on("before:render", function(){ alert("the collection view is about to be rendered"); }); myView.render(); \`\`\` "render" / onRender event ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A "collection:rendered" / ``onCollectionRendered`` event will also be fired. This allows you to add more than one callback to execute after the view is rendered, and allows parent views and other parts of the application to know that the view was rendered. \`\`\`js MyView = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({...}); var myView = new MyView(); myView.on("render", function(){ alert("the collection view was rendered!"); }); myView.on("collection:rendered", function(){ alert("the collection view was rendered!"); }); myView.render(); \`\`\` "before:close" / onBeforeClose event ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Triggered just before closing the view. A "collection:before:close" / ``onCollectionBeforeClose`` event will also be fired \`\`\`js MyView = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({...}); var myView = new MyView(); myView.on("collection:before:close", function(){ alert("the collection view is about to be closed"); }); myView.close(); \`\`\` "closed" / "collection:closed" event ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Triggered just after closing the view, both with corresponding method calls. \`\`\`js MyView = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({...}); var myView = new MyView(); myView.on("collection:closed", function(){ alert("the collection view is now closed"); }); myView.close(); \`\`\` "item:added" / onItemAdded ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Triggered just after creating a new itemView instance for an item that was added to the collection, but before the view is rendered and added to the DOM. ``js cv.on("item:added", function(viewInstance){ // ... });`` "item:removed" / onItemRemoved ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Triggered after an itemView instance has been closed and removed, when it's item was deleted or removed from the collection. ``js cv.on("item:removed", function(viewInstance){ // ... });`` "itemview:\*" event bubbling from child views ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When an item view within a collection view triggers an event, that event will bubble up through the parent collection view, with "itemview:" prepended to the event name. That is, if a child view triggers "do:something", the parent collection view will then trigger "itemview:do:something". \`\`\`js // set up basic collection var myModel = new MyModel(); var myCollection = new MyCollection(); myCollection.add(myModel); // get the collection view in place colView = new CollectionView({ collection: myCollection }); colView.render(); // bind to the collection view's events that were bubbled // from the child view colView.on("itemview:do:something", function(childView, msg){ alert("I said, '" + msg + "'"); }); // hack, to get the child view and trigger from it var childView = colView.children[myModel.cid]; childView.trigger("do:something", "do something!"); \`\`\` The result of this will be an alert box that says "I said, 'do something!'". Also note that you would not normally grab a reference to the child view the way this is showing. I'm merely using that hack as a way to demonstrate the event bubbling. Normally, you would have your item view listening to DOM events or model change events, and then triggering an event of it's own based on that. CollectionView render --------------------- The ``render`` method of the collection view is responsible for rendering the entire collection. It loops through each of the items in the collection and renders them individually as an ``itemView``. \`\`\`js MyCollectionView = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({...}); new MyCollectionView().render().done(function(){ // all of the children are now rendered. do stuff here. }); \`\`\` CollectionView: Automatic Rendering ----------------------------------- The collection view binds to the "add", "remove" and "reset" events of the collection that is specified. When the collection for the view is "reset", the view will call ``render`` on itself and re-render the entire collection. When a model is added to the collection, the collection view will render that one model in to the collection of item views. When a model is removed from a collection (or destroyed / deleted), the collection view will close and remove that model's item view. CollectionView: Re-render Collection ------------------------------------ If you need to re-render the entire collection, you can call the ``view.render`` method. This method takes care of closing all of the child views that may have previously been opened. CollectionView's appendHtml --------------------------- By default the collection view will call jQuery's ``.append`` to move the HTML contents from the item view instance in to the collection view's ``el``. You can override this by specifying an ``appendHtml`` method in your view definition. This method takes two parameters and has no return value. \`\`\`js Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ appendHtml: function(collectionView, itemView, index){ collectionView.$el.prepend(itemView.el); } }); \`\`\` The first parameter is the instance of the collection view that will receive the HTML from the second parameter, the current item view instance. The third parameter, ``index``, is the index of the model that this itemView instance represents, in the collection that the model came from. This is useful for sorting a collection and displaying the sorted list in the correct order on the screen. CollectionView close -------------------- CollectionView implements a ``close`` method, which is called by the region managers automatically. As part of the implementation, the following are performed: - unbind all ``bindTo`` events - unbind all custom view events - unbind all DOM events - unbind all item views that were rendered - remove ``this.el`` from the DOM - call an ``onClose`` event on the view, if one is provided By providing an ``onClose`` event in your view definition, you can run custom code for your view that is fired after your view has been closed and cleaned up. This lets you handle any additional clean up code without having to override the ``close`` method. ``js Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ onClose: function(){ // custom cleanup or closing code, here } });``