Marionette.Controller ===================== A multi-purpose object to use as a controller for modules and routers, and as a mediator for workflow and coordination of other objects, views, and more. Documentation Index ------------------- - `Basic Use <#basic-use>`_ - `On The Name 'Controller' <#on-the-name-controller>`_ Basic Use --------- A ``Marionette.Controller`` can be extended, like other Backbone and Marionette objects. It supports the standard ``initialize`` method, has a built-in ``EventBinder``, and can trigger events, itself. \`\`\`js // define a controller var MyController = Marionette.Controller.extend({ initialize: function(options){ this.stuff = options.stuff; }, doStuff: function(){ this.trigger("stuff:done", this.stuff); } }); // create an instance var c = new MyController({ stuff: "some stuff" }); // use the built in EventBinder c.bindTo(c, "stuff:done", function(stuff){ console.log(stuff); }); // do some stuff c.doStuff(); \`\`\` On The Name 'Controller' ------------------------ The name ``Controller`` is bound to cause a bit of confusion, which is rather unfortunate. There was some discussion and debate about what to call this object, the idea that people would confuse this with an MVC style controller came up a number of times. In the end, we decided to call this a controller anyways, as the typical use case is to control the workflow and process of an application and / or module. But the truth is, this is a very generic, multi-purpose object that can serve many different roles in many different scenarios. We are always open to suggestions, with good reason and discussion, on renaming objects to be more descriptive, less confusing, etc. If you would like to suggest a different name, please do so in either the mailing list or the github issues list.