Marionette.EventAggregator ========================== An event aggregator is an application level pub/sub mechanism that allows various pieces of an otherwise segmented and disconnected system to communicate with each other. Marionette's EventAggregator is facilitated by `Backbone.Wreqr `_'s EventAggregator object and `Backbone.EventBinder `_. It combines an EventBinder in to the EventAggregator instance. Documentation Index ------------------- - `Basic Usage <#basic-usage>`_ - `BindTo <#bindto>`_ - `Decoupling With An Event-Driven Architecture <#decoupling-with-an-event-driven-architecture>`_ Basic Usage ----------- Marionette provides an event aggregator with each application instance: ``MyApp.vent``. You can also instantiate your own event aggregator: ``js myVent = new Marionette.EventAggregator();`` Passing an object literal of options to the constructor function will extend the event aggregator with those options: ``js myVent = new Marionette.EventAggregator({foo: "bar"}); // => "bar"`` BindTo ------ The ``EventAggregator`` mixes in an `EventBinder <./>`_ object to easily track and unbind all event callbacks, including inline callback functions. \`\`\`js vent = new Marionette.EventAggregator(); vent.bindTo(vent, "foo", function(){ alert("bar"); }); vent.unbindAll(); vent.trigger("foo"); // => nothing. all events have been unbound. \`\`\` Decoupling With An Event-Driven Architecture -------------------------------------------- You can use an event aggregator to communicate between various modules of your application, ensuring correct decoupling while also facilitating functionality that needs more than one of your application's modules. \`\`\`js var vent = new Marionette.EventAggregator(); vent.on("some:event", function(){ alert("Some event was fired!!!!"); }); vent.trigger("some:event"); \`\`\` For a more detailed discussion and example of using an event aggregator with Backbone applications, see the blog post: `References, Routing, and The Event Aggregator: Coordinating Views In Backbone.js `_.