Marionette.ItemView =================== An ``ItemView`` is a view that represents a single item. That item may be a ``Backbone.Model`` or may be a ``Backbone.Collection``. Whichever it is, though, it will be treated as a single item. Documentation Index ------------------- - `ItemView render <#itemview-render>`_ - `Events and Callback Methods <#events-and-callback-methods>`_ - `"before:render" / onBeforeRender event <#beforerender--onbeforerender-event>`_ - `"render" / onRender event <#render--onrender-event>`_ - `"before:close" / onBeforeClose event <#beforeclose--onbeforeclose-event>`_ - `"close" / onClose event <#close--onclose-event>`_ - `ItemView serializeData <#itemview-serializedata>`_ - `Organizing ui elements <#organizing-ui-elements>`_ - `modelEvents and collectionEvents <#modelevents-and-collectionevents>`_ ItemView render --------------- An item view has a ``render`` method built in to it, and uses the ``Renderer`` object to do the actual rendering. You should provide a ``template`` attribute on the item view, which will be either a jQuery selector: \`\`\`js MyView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({ template: "#some-template" }); new MyView().render(); \`\`\` Events and Callback Methods --------------------------- There are several events and callback methods that are called for an ItemView. These events and methods are triggered with the `Marionette.triggerMethod <./>`_ function, which triggers the event and a corresponding "on{EventName}" method. "before:render" / onBeforeRender event ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Triggered before an ItemView is rendered. Also triggered as "item:before:render" / ``onItemBeforeRemder``. ``js Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({ onBeforeRender: function(){ // set up final bits just before rendering the view's `el` } });`` "render" / onRender event ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Triggered after the view has been rendered. You can implement this in your view to provide custom code for dealing with the view's ``el`` after it has been rendered. Also triggered as "item:render" / ``onItemRender``. ``js Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({ onRender: function(){ // manipulate the `el` here. it's already // been rendered, and is full of the view's // HTML, ready to go. } });`` "before:close" / onBeforeClose event ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Triggered just prior to closing the view, when the view's ``close()`` method has been called. Also triggered as "item:before:close" / ``onItemBeforeClose``. ``js Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({ onBeforeClose: function(){ // manipulate the `el` here. it's already // been rendered, and is full of the view's // HTML, ready to go. } });`` "close" / onClose event ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Triggered just after the view has been closed. Also triggered as "item:close" / ``onItemClose``. ``js Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({ onClose: function(){ // custom closing and cleanup goes here } });`` ItemView serializeData ---------------------- Item views will serialize a model or collection, by default, by calling ``.toJSON`` on either the model or collection. If both a model and collection are attached to an item view, the model will be used as the data source. The results of the data serialization will be passed to the template that is rendered. If the serialization is a model, the results are passed in directly: \`\`\`js var myModel = new MyModel({foo: "bar"}); new MyItemView({ template: "#myItemTemplate", model: myModel }); MyItemView.render(); \`\`\` ``html `` If the serialization is a collection, the results are passed in as an ``items`` array: \`\`\`js var myCollection = new MyCollection([{foo: "bar"}, {foo: "baz"}]); new MyItemView({ template: "#myCollectionTemplate", collection: myCollection }); MyItemView.render(); \`\`\` ``html `` If you need custom serialization for your data, you can provide a ``serializeData`` method on your view. It must return a valid JSON object, as if you had called ``.toJSON`` on a model or collection. ``js Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({ serializeData: function(){ return { "some attribute": "some value" } } });`` Organizing ui elements ---------------------- As documented in View, you can specify a ``ui`` hash in your view that maps between a ui element's name and its jQuery selector, similar to how regions are organized. This is especially useful if you access the same ui element more than once in your view's code, so instead of duplicating the selector you can simply reference it by ``this.ui.elementName``: \`\`\`js Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({ tagName: "tr", ui: { checkbox: "input[type=checkbox]" }, onRender: function() { if (this.model.get('selected')) { this.ui.checkbox.addClass('checked'); } } }); \`\`\` modelEvents and collectionEvents -------------------------------- ItemViews can bind directly to model events and collection events in a declarative manner: \`\`\`js Marionette.ItemView.extend({ modelEvents: { "change": "modelChanged" }, collectionEvents: { "add": "modelAdded" } }); \`\`\` For more information, see the `Marionette.View <./>`_ documentation.